As a fitness instructor, I am often asked about the best exercises to grow muscle as well as my take on how exercise should affect our bodies. This question comes with many different possibilities, so I’m here to explain five different ways you can strengthen your muscles and increase your strength.

5 Different Ways You Can Exercise For Muscle Growth

1) Bench Press

This is one of those exercises that really doesn’t get a lot of attention when it comes to weight training. However, it is an essential move for anyone looking to build their muscles. The bench press is probably the most overlooked exercise to try out and is definitely worth exploring the benefits.

The bench press is an explosive movement, like pushing off the wall with your hands and shoulders. While you don’t have to do this every day for maximum results, doing some each week or two will help improve your strength. It also works your abs which are under-developed muscles. Use weights around 4-5 pounds for beginners and up to 12 pounds for more experienced lifters.

2) Dumbbell Bench Press

If you have been hitting the barbells at the gym, then you are already familiar with the dumbbell bench press. If not, let me guess you haven't hit the proper form during the movements, especially if you're using these heavier dumbbells.

The dumbbell bench press is a simple yet effective way to work your upper body and lower body simultaneously. Using different dumbbells allows for greater load and variation in your exercise, thus improving efficiency. Plus having a variety of weights helps give your workout more bang for your buck!

3) Squat Jumping Jacks

This is another common movement among athletes and fitness instructors. If you aren’t particularly into jumping jacks, but would still enjoy getting them into the mix. These jump squats are ideal for building muscular endurance because they require only a minimal amount of force from the leg muscles.

The squat jumps jacks challenge your legs without having to use much of your knee flexors, making them great exercises for runners with limited mobility. And, you don't even need any specialized equipment to perform this exercise either because all you need is a high degree of resistance. So, if you want to see results quickly, go ahead and start jumping while performing reps. Once you've got the hang of it though, buy yourself a pair of extra jumpers if you’re not ready just yet!

4) Burpees

These might sound kind of strange, seeing as burpees require a whole lot of energy to complete. But, for those who love burpees and want to keep themselves fit, they sure do help. With several variations, including lunges, pushups and rows, burpees will help you boost your cardiovascular health as well as your overall fitness and boost your muscle growth!

Try keeping a record of your set duration as well as your repetitions so you can track the progress over time. And, since it requires energy, make sure you're warming up before your workout by taking a few minutes to stretch out. Then, after your session, take a couple of hours rest day and allow your muscles time to recover.

5) Deadlifts

Now, we all know deadlifts are important for building strength, but there is a good reason why. When performed properly, deadlifts are actually very beneficial to everyone and are one of the best ways to gain lean muscle mass and improve muscle strength and definition (just to name a small fraction).

Deadlifts use primarily the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves. If you have never tried deadlifting, you are missing something vital for maximizing your results. So, if you are looking to begin a routine of deadlifting, make sure to read this article carefully to discover the tips, tricks and tools needed to nail down your first deadlift.

A Final Thought On Training Effectively

As a fitness instructor, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to be patient. There is no quick fix to losing weight or gaining muscle. That being said, there are things you can do today (or tomorrow) to get stronger, faster, and fitter. Whether you want to be able to lift more weights or become a true champion at the gym, these exercises will help you achieve both goals.